Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Edwin McCain is Coming

So i'll say this from now until the show, but this is a Can't Miss Show!

Edwin is so good live, i'm not lying! The first time kassie and i saw him was at the Soiled Dove in Denver across the street from Coors Field. It's a tiny little club, and Edwin played acoustic with his buddy Craig who plays horns, keys, and anything else.

We also saw him play in Boulder last year, which was great.

I tell so many people about Edwin, and his music, and how his live performances are just great, yet, no one ever takes me up on going to the show. in fact, i don't know if anyone besides our buddy Jen have even listened to Edwin.

Anyway, the show is July 2nd at the Soiled Dove. If you're cool you'll be there. I don't know what else to say except that this will be my favorite show of the summer.

1 comment:

Falling off the Grid said...

That guy is sooo nerdy, how can someone that nerdy write such good songs?